Thursday, October 23, 2008

S.H.I T.

Sure Happy It's Thursday!

Today in the Mercury News on the front page is an article on Sara Palin and her families wardrobe. ARE YOU SERIOUS! Okay, so the Republican Party spent "$150k" on new clothes for the candidate and family. Purchases made at hi-end retailers too; Nieman and Saks!

I will not state my political choice but I will say I do like Sara Palin. I think she has great potential as a representative for our country. Again, not saying if I will or won't vote republican.

I'm just taking notice that this news has made front page. Do we not have other issues?

Where's my lipstick?


Anonymous said...

to :All of the governor sara bashers..."get a life!"....she is a well qualified ceo of the energy powerhouse state of alaska....she has significant administrative and operational experience.....she agreed to enter the biggest and most complex political cycle in the world -called US Presidential election-with no prepping or prior warning....that alone is a testament to her patriotism and willingness to offer her skills to public service....her track record is outstanding as to all of the things we need to do to shake up washington....she has a few skeletons in her closet....not many a pol in washington does not?...the people who take shots at her are the typical, uninformed voter who never bothered to read up on her record....they get their info from the totally corrupt and unprofessional media....governor palin and her family should be praised for their courage...don..delray beach,florida

Carol said...

To: Don in Delray FL

I agree with your points. This is a PC not a fashion show. I have told the people in my life that "should you want to dive into politics better start young because the media will find that nugget of (fill in the blank) and bring it to surface (yes they will)" Better keep your self clean at all times; and of course look good while doing it! LOL